Patchnotes #20
Back to overview Patchnotes #20
- MCdle’s background has been updated to fit the spring vibes!
- New Bestiary Cover art by @nariidae!
- Updated MCdle to 1.21.5!
- New item loot category: trading! This includes villager trading, wandering trader trading, piglin bartering, and villager gifts.
- Creative Inventory categories and all other list/array like stats are now compared correctly and no longer depend on any ordering factors.
Data Fixes/Changes
- Zombified Piglins have broken the UI by getting yet another spawn method: block! Via nether portals.
- Being the only merged mob, trader llama’s overworld spawn condition has been added to the llama mob.
- Cobwebs version has been updated to Beta 1.5, as it was only available through inventory editing in pre-alpha.
- Bumped Stone bricks release from Beta 1.7 to Beta 1.8.
- Added new 1.21.5 blocks: Bush, Cactus Flower, Firefly Bush, Dry Grass, Leaf Litter, Test Block, Test Block Instance and Wildflowers! Beware the ambiguity! 👻
- For Brick parity, pottery sherds are now considered container loot from suspicious sand.
- Tropical fish’s release has been set to 1.7.2 which was the time when the item was released.
- Translations for map no longer say “Empty”, which was conflicting with the used texture.
- Added trading as a loot to 69 items.