Patchnotes #19
Back to overview Patchnotes #19
- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation! 🇧🇷
- MCdle’s background has been updated to fit the winter vibes!
- Added a page to view cookie crafter statistics after the event has ended.
- Updated various icons on the site to be more consistent and readable on different backgrounds.

- Added a way to appeal for bans, mutes or other punishments. You can find the form at That is in the hopes we won’t need it, but here it is just in case.
- Massively improved the performance of the bestiaries that have a lot of discovered entries already.
- Updated Styling library tailwind to v4, if any visual issues appear, post a bug report on discord!
- The bestiary overview on mobile should now have less overlapping text
- The splashtext pulse now pulses from the center rather than the top left corner. Additionally it is now rotated differently to cover less of the actual title.
- Really fixed the issue with Bottle o’ Enchanting looking like Bottle o' Enchanting
- The next play suggestion will now also show games that have been started but not completed.
- Clicking the Magnifying Glass next to the search bar of the bestiary will now close the search & filter page and return to the overview if no search term is entered. This behaviour was inconsistent between mobile and desktop and has now been unified.
- Filtering for the item stack size alone is now possible.
- Resetting filters now only resets the filter for the current game type, not all of them.
- Fixed rounding differences in bestiary library (rounded up) vs overview (rounded down) view.
- Fixed layout shifts when displaying the Setting preview images.
- Flipping through pages in the bestiary now respects the selected sorting order (alphabetical or version based).
- Updated Polish translation to fix some translation issues and bring it up to date.
Data Fixes/Changes
- Creakings are so sneaky, they could’ve been in the game since pre-alpha! (Or so MCdle thought…)
- Resin block’s tool has been corrected to any tool.
- Chorus flowers, are now considered full blocks based on their collision hitbox.
- Mud, powder snow, snow layers and structure voids are now considered to be non-full blocks.
- Vines now have axe as an additional effective tool.
- Added a new loot source: Fishing! 🎣 This applies to: bows, fishing rods, string, bones, bowls, boots, enchanted books, ink sacs, name tags, potions, pufferfish, cod, salmon, rotten flesh, saddles, tropical fish, leather, nautilus shells and sticks.
- Horse armor can be crafted. Well at least the leather variety!
- Honey bottles can now be crafted too.
- Snowballs and strings are no longer craftable via the crafting table.
- Mushroom stew, flow ink sacs and raw rabbit are now considered mob drops.
- Shields can now be found in chests.
- Written books can now be crafted by copying another book.
- Emeralds and quartz can now be smelted from their respective ores.
- Added various further container loot infos from trial chambers: bows, splash and lingering potions, tipped arrows, bone meal, cooked chicken, and honey bottles.
- Hero of the Village gifts are now considered mob loot. This includes: hoe, book, wheat seeds, pumpkin pie, cookie, bread, lapis, paper and map
- Torchflower seeds and pitcher pods are dug up by sniffers and are as such now classified as mob loot.