Patchnotes #16
Back to overview Patchnotes #16
- Splash texts now pulsate, similar to minecraft.
- Bestiary overview can now be sorted alphabetically or by version
- Added better descriptions to many pages, which can be seen when linking to specific pages
- Updated the Ko-Fi logo to fit their new branding
- Added donation button to game won screen
- Added links to the new Patreon!
- Added Supporter/Credits thanks section in the about page
- Added a tool to create custom splash texts

- Moved the translation generator to the tools page
- New Patchnotes now show a toast notification
- Added multiple new splash texts suggested by the community!
- Added Bestiary translations & fixed various translation issues
- Bestiary filters and pages now have the same order as the game (e.g. always starting with version)
- Added missing version numbers to the Bestiary’s Block page
- Clear filters button has been moved further to the right to avoid accidental clicks
- Fixed splashtexts no longer being randomized
- Updated the settings gear icon (yet again) ;)
- Fixed Letter hint expand button having the wrong texture
Data Fixes/Changes
- Magma Cubes now spawn in structures
- Campfires are now considered transparent
- Updated textures of comparator, repeater and redstone torch
- The slab block texture has been updated to cobble slabs to avoid confusion with petrified oak slabs
- Wolf armor now correctly stacks to 1, rather than 64 (that’s the durability!)
- Nautilus shells can no longer be used for trading (BE feature)
- Bundle texture has been updated to the new texture!